|bPårıs |i |o≈,⁄J⁄J†††|b|b‡≈

Last logged in 2024-09-28 13:07:41.


2013-09-27 04:13:21 Last Man on the Hill on Gimble in the Wabe 200:03:31
2013-09-27 04:09:46 Last Man on the Hill on Gimble in the Wabe 200:03:00
2013-09-27 04:05:49 Last Man on the Hill on Gyre in the Wabe 200:03:18
2013-09-27 04:02:50 Last Man on the Hill on Gyre in the Wabe 200:02:07
2013-09-25 11:04:59 King of the Hill on Behind the Library (Light) 400:07:06
2013-09-25 10:55:19 King of the Hill on Meibatsu Kosatsu (Dark) 400:06:50
2013-09-25 10:45:40 King of the Hill on Sticks and Stones (Light) 500:07:16
2013-09-25 10:32:59 Last Man on the Hill on Titus Groan (Light) 500:10:00
2013-09-25 10:23:44 King of the Hill on Rain of the Borogove |i(Light) 700:07:24
2013-09-25 10:23:07 King of the Hill on Rain of the Borogove |i(Light) 700:00:17
2013-09-25 10:06:27 Last Man on the Hill on R.I.P. (Slug Riot) 600:13:27
2013-09-25 09:55:21 Flag Rally on Distant Sands (Light) 600:09:45
2013-09-25 09:46:16 Last Man on the Hill on |bP|piled |bH|pigher & |bD|peeper |i(Light) 700:06:50
2013-09-25 09:35:59 King of the Map on |bP|piled |bH|pigher & |bD|peeper |i(Light) 600:07:45
2013-09-25 09:24:28 King of the Hill on Gyre in the Wabe 700:07:45
2013-09-25 09:14:44 King of the Hill on A Place to Stand (Light) 700:07:45
2013-09-25 09:01:30 Last Man on the Hill on Occult Massacre 800:09:25
2013-09-25 08:50:04 Flag Rally on Tokkun Doujou (Light) 900:08:39
2013-09-25 04:11:51 King of the Hill on The Desert Between Your Ears 200:07:48
2013-09-25 04:03:10 King of the Hill on The Dessert Between Your Teeth 200:06:24
2013-09-25 03:58:31 King of the Hill on The Dessert Between Your Teeth 200:01:58
2013-09-25 03:48:55 Flag Rally on Death in the Dire Marsh 200:06:18
2013-09-25 03:43:06 King of the Hill on Rock 'em Sock 'em Dorf Riot 200:03:27
2013-09-23 04:32:23 Last Man on the Hill on Venice 400:08:39
2013-09-22 06:31:39 Last Man on the Hill on Appalachian Hot Springs (S8) 500:07:58
2013-09-22 06:19:01 King of the Hill on Proving Grounds 600:07:43
2013-09-22 06:07:08 Steal the Bacon on |bTwister vı.3 |i(8 teams BIG) 500:08:45
2013-09-22 05:49:47 Territories on Smells Like Death In Here 700:10:54
2013-09-22 05:29:41 King of the Map on Dead Man's Chest 800:08:15
2013-09-22 05:18:31 Last Man on the Hill on Green Hell (Light) 800:09:13