Empy -!- CW BICv2

Last logged in 2024-09-18 15:17:51.


2019-07-14 12:33:11 Flag Rally on For Carnage Apply Within (Dark) 1600:10:08
2019-07-14 12:20:54 Flag Rally on Boil and Bubble 1600:10:07
2019-07-14 12:06:13 Last Man on the Hill on I'll Fall On Your Grave 1600:11:42
2019-07-14 11:53:54 Capture the Flag on Leagues from Nowhere 1600:09:58
2019-07-14 11:40:52 King of the Hill on Proving Grounds 1600:08:00
2019-07-14 11:29:32 Territories on Phoenix Rising 1600:10:11
2019-07-14 11:17:37 Last Man on the Hill on For Carnage Apply Within (Dark) 1600:09:29
2019-07-13 03:14:32 King of the Hill on Venice 400:05:00
2019-07-13 03:06:23 King of the Hill on Ground Zero 400:05:00
2019-07-13 02:58:34 King of the Hill on Ground Zero (Dark) 400:05:00
2019-07-13 02:49:34 Last Man on the Hill on Death in the Dire Marsh 500:06:28
2019-07-13 02:42:49 Last Man on the Hill on Killing Grounds 500:04:30
2019-07-07 13:09:35 Last Man on the Hill on Dun Caric 1300:11:33
2019-07-07 12:50:09 Territories on Boil and Bubble 1400:13:17
2019-07-07 12:48:08 Territories on Boil and Bubble 1500:00:13
2019-07-07 12:35:41 Flag Rally on Demise on the Plains 1400:09:48
2019-07-07 12:22:28 Territories on i'll gimble on your grave 1500:11:19
2019-07-07 12:00:35 Co-op on The Great Library 200:14:59